BE SMART Podcast

Money is hard to make, keep, and control— and almost everyone gets it wrong sometimes. Now, ex-Wall Street trader Jared Dillian and his co-host Cameron, are here to talk to you about money: from sorting out your personal finances to succeeding in the stock market and everything in between. If you want to own your life—instead of borrowing it or renting it—you need to start listening today.

Recent Episodes

Not having a lot of debt, minimizing your exposure to risk, and having financial security are all ways to deal from a position of strength. Sure,...

There’s a lot of money out there. We have printed trillions of dollars. Let’s put it this way: There is no shortage of money. Really, there’s a...

A lot of people say they want to get rich, but most of the time, these people are full of it. Being rich is a lot harder than it seems—a rich...

October 12, 2023

Should You Go to College?

If you get into a top-tier school, like Harvard, you must go. But what about second- and third-tier schools? It’s not always a no-brainer based on...

There’s an old saying: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” If you want to make money, you must take the risk… because sitting idly and...

John C. Bogle, the founder and chief executive of Vanguard who is credited with popularizing the index fund, was only worth about $20 million when he...

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